Run Endpoint


After application Endpoint is combined and defined, it's time to convert it to WAI application and run the server. Module Linnet.Bootstrap contains set of functions for this purpose.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances   #-}

import Control.Exception (SomeException)
import Data.Function     ((&))
import Data.Text
import Linnet
import Linnet.Internal.Coproduct ((:+:))
import Network.Wai

instance Encode TextPlain SomeException where
  encode _ = mempty

endpoint :: Endpoint IO Text
endpoint = get(pathEmpty) ~>> (return . ok $ "Hello, world")

app :: Application
app = bootstrap @TextPlain endpoint & compile & toApp

Linnet re-exports Warp's run function to run WAI application:

main :: IO ()
main = run 9000 app

Here is what happened in the code above:

  • Defined endpoint was "bootsrapped" for Content-Type @Text/Plain. Result of this endpoint will be encoded with Encode TextPlain
  • Bootstrap was "compiled" into ReaderT (WriterT Trace m) Request (Either SomeException Response) or Compiled m for shortness. It could be useful to take a break here to add some middleware filters without leaving context of monad m by transforming compiled ReaderT.
  • Compiled m was transformed to WAI application and run on Warp server

Serving multiple Content-Types

Often, server shall return different content depending on the expected Content-Type. Serving html page by encoding it as JSON is likely incorrect behavior. Function serve in combination with Bootstrap allows to serve multiple endpoints with different Content-Types:

indexHtml :: Endpoint IO Text
indexHtml = get(p'"index.html") ~>> (return . ok $ "<html><body>This is HTML</body></html>")

-- Need to define how to render exceptions in HTML encoding
instance Encode TextHtml SomeException where
  encode _ = mempty

multipleContentTypesApp :: Application
multipleContentTypesApp =
  bootstrap @TextPlain endpoint &
  serve @TextHtml indexHtml &
  compile &

Content-Type negotiation

It's also possible to serve different Content-Types depending on client's Accept header as it's described in RFC 2295:

contentTypeNegotiationApp :: Application
contentTypeNegotiationApp =
  bootstrap @(TextPlain :+: ApplicationJson) endpoint & compile & toApp

Based on the client request and Accept header values, Linnet picks the best matching encoder. Important to mention that in the example above application/json content would be returned in case of failed negotiation.

If there is a need to enable 406 error signaling failed negotiation instead of falling back to the last option, NotAcceptable406 comes in handy:

negotiateOr406App :: Application
negotiateOr406App =
  bootstrap @(TextPlain :+: ApplicationJson :+: NotAcceptable406) endpoint & compile & toApp

Custom monad

Last step of converting Endpoint into Application is to call function toApp that has a following signature:

toApp :: (NaturalTransformation m IO) => Compiled m -> Application

The constraint exposed is a natural transformation m ~> IO to "run" custom monad as IO. It allows to use this monad until the very end of request resolution and could be useful to run logger, create request-local context etc.
This example demonstrates how to make it work.

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